It is always pleasing when we advise company directors early on. Especially when there is likely to be a bump in the road in respect of the company’s finances. This provides directors with significant options to avoid a formal insolvency procedure.
Some of the time, the directors, believing in the company’s future, are looking to place their own funds into the company to ease the financial pressures. If they believe in the company and have the available funds, then this all makes sense.
Now, let’s say the bump in the road is too great to overcome, the directors have ploughed funds into the company, and it enters an insolvency event. The directors will sit at the bottom of a pile as there are creditors that sit above them in the waterfall of recipients in insolvency should a dividend be paid. These are namely employee wage arrears, holiday pay and HMRC in respect of their secondary preferential status, and then secured creditors such as banks etc.
To cut a long story short, if you are a director or you have a client that is looking to shore up company finances by loaning the company funds, if the company has assets, then look to secure funds invested by buying company assets. Make sure market value is paid and document the transaction. If the worst then happens, funds invested are not sitting at the bottom of a pile.
If you need any advice or assistance on any corporate restructuring or insolvency-related issue, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton), 01908 033150 (Milton Keynes), 01234 989150 (Bedford) or email to Alternatively, visit for further information.