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What is a company CCJ


A county court judgment (“CCJ”) is a court order used to try and force a company to pay a business debt. The creditor can make an application for a CCJ once they have tried and failed with alternative methods of debt collection. The issuing of a CCJ can be a sign that the company in receipt of the CCJ, may be having financial problems and is struggling to pay its debts as and when they fall due but, more commonly, a CCJ is received because the claim has been disputed or the recipient disagrees with the sum being claimed.


Once a CCJ has been registered it is available in the public domain and, unfortunately, this is when “Ambulance Chasing” insolvency firms or their subcontracted sales teams look to make direct contact with the directors of the company offering them their services to assist and help. The contact is generally in the form of numerous unsolicited phone calls or even direct letters to the company, mentioning the CCJ. Clearly, these phone calls and letters can be intercepted by employees of the company, unaware that financial issues may be on the horizon, which can also have a damaging effect on the company.


If you or one of your clients receive a CCJ and it is a result of real financial pressures, then I am afraid you/they will be “Ambulanced Chased”. Here at PBC Business Recovery and Insolvency we would never hound the company directly, and we would recommend that the director(s) take immediate advice. The company’s professional advisors will no doubt know and trust an insolvency firm to provide the right advice for their client and not “fuel for the Ambulance”.


Should you have an insolvency-related issue then please contact a member of the highly experienced team at PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency who will be more than willing to provide you with guidance and advice that will be right for you and your circumstances – (Northampton office – (01604) 212150) or (Bedford office – (01234) 834886) .