Buy something for your money!

It is always pleasing when we advise company directors early on.  Especially when there is likely to be a bump in the road in respect of the company’s finances.   This provides directors with significant options to avoid a formal insolvency procedure.

Some of the time, the directors, believing in the company’s future, are looking to place their own funds into the company to ease the financial pressures. If they believe in the company and have the available funds, then this all makes sense.

Now, let’s say the bump in the road is too great to overcome, the directors have ploughed funds into the company, and it enters an insolvency event.  The directors will sit at the bottom of a pile as there are creditors that sit above them in the waterfall of recipients in insolvency should a dividend be paid. These are namely employee wage arrears, holiday pay and HMRC in respect of their secondary preferential status, and then secured creditors such as banks etc.

To cut a long story short, if you are a director or you have a client that is looking to shore up company finances by loaning the company funds, if the company has assets, then look to secure funds invested by buying company assets.  Make sure market value is paid and document the transaction. If the worst then happens, funds invested are not sitting at the bottom of a pile.  

If you need any advice or assistance on any corporate restructuring or insolvency-related issue, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton), 01908 033150 (Milton Keynes), 01234 989150 (Bedford) or email to Alternatively, visit for further information.

Is it a reasonable request?

How often has one of your clients entered into an insolvency event while owing you money?  If that is not bad enough, you then get the insolvency practitioner appointed (“IP”) demanding that you provide swathes of information and documents, at your expense.

Some IPs will inform you of your duty under section 234 Insolvency Act 1986 to deliver up the information sought and, most likely, failure to comply may lead to a court application.  Indeed, if they really wanted to get heavy they could point out the court ruled, in 2014, that you have a public duty to deliver up, irrespective of the cost to you.

The question is whether you should allow salt to be rubbed in by suffering more expense in addition to the unpaid fees you have already suffered.

What an IP will not be in a hurry to inform you is the requests for delivery up of records has to be justified and reasonable.  In a recent court case, in throwing the liquidators’ application out, the court said,

“any application for delivery of documents under the IA 86 should clearly explain why such documents are “reasonably required” and should not be unduly broad or burdensome to carry out.”

Indeed, we have seen sight of an information request with standard requests together with the following:

“Copies of any emails between you and the Company, including its officers.”  At PBC, we question if this request is reasonably required given the arduous task of collating this information, not least GDPR concerns, as some emails may not just deal with company matters but also, personal affairs of company officers.

So, if you are the recipient of a delivery up request from an IP, ask yourself is it a reasonable and justified request?  If in doubt then reply to the IP and ask for their reasoning behind the request.

If you need any advice or assistance on any corporate restructuring or insolvency-related issue, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton), 01908 033150 (Milton Keynes), 01234 989150 (Bedford) or email to Alternatively, visit for further information.

Members’ Voluntary Liquidations – 3 Month Countdown!

Given the recent changes on the rate of CGT that applies to Business Asset Disposal Relief on the lifetime allowance of £1Million, the 3-month clock is ticking to benefit for the current rate of 10% until 5 April 2025 on capital distributions.

The above could be a significant tax saving for you or your clients between now and then and, if this is being considered,  the time to start acting and planning is now.

Should you wish to discuss a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation further  then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton), 01908 033150 (Milton Keynes), 01234 989150 (Bedford) or email to

PBC are pleased to announce that we are collecting for the Kettering Food Bank again this Christmas.

PBC are pleased to announce that we are collecting for the Kettering Food Bank again this Christmas in collaboration with @CFW Accountants and @AMC IT

Christmas isn’t a fun time for those who are struggling.  So, if you could add a few items to your shopping basket and call in to our Northampton office, say hello and drop them off we would be very grateful.

Suggested donations are shown on the flyer and all donations need to be with us by 11th December. 

If you are local to Moulton Park, we can look to collect to make things easier

Thank you.

A great night was had by all!

PBC welcomed a number of local professional firms to their ten pin bowling event last night. The evening was full of moans, groans and elation with plenty of strikes being had. Winners were Phipps Henson McAllister with a combined team score over 2 games of 1233, with Hawsons Chartered Accountants coming a close second. Thanks to all that attended, without all you guys it would not be such a great event.

What does saving 4% mean to you/your clients?

Now the Budget has been and gone we have some certainty, for the next couple of years at least, on the rate of CGT that applies to Business Asset Disposal Relief which is detailed below on the lifetime allowance of £1Million:

  • 10% on disposals until 5 April 2025
  • 14% on or after 6 April 2025
  • 18% on or after 6 April 2026

Should you or your clients be incentivised by the potential saving and would like to explore a Members Voluntary Liquidation, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton), 01908 033150 (Milton Keynes), 01234 989150 (Bedford) or email to Alternatively, visit for further information.

Are we the best?  PBC let you have your say.

With the unrivalled level of experience available at PBC, we could easily say we are the best people to approach when you are having financial issues, whether that is your own or you are a creditor of someone else suffering a demise.

The fact is, we do not make such claims; we let others express their own opinion such as:

“Gary and his team at PBC are fantastic and they go above and beyond to support you every step of the way through challenging times. Highly recommended. Thank you to Gary and PBC for helping me to get my life back and hopefully some much needed sleep after months of worry.” Director, Northampton

“I can’t recommend Ian enough he’s been amazing with the closing of my business. He reassured and put my mind at ease talking me through step by step and what needs priority etc I didn’t know where to even start but with Ian’s guidance it made everything so much less of a worry to deal with. He was always at the end of the phone if I had any concerns or worries. Making the decision to close your own business is not an easy decision to make but Ian put everything into perspective. I can’t thank you enough Ian for all your help and guidance Thank you.”  Director, Kettering

“Myself and my fellow directors are very grateful for all the assistance Natasha has given as the MVL has progressed. It has all gone far more smoothly than we could have hoped. We definitely made the correct decision when we elected to appoint PBC to act for us”.  Director, Wellingborough

“My financial crisis stirred a myriad of emotions, most of which were negative and soul destroying. Thank heavens for some sound, honest and clear advice which straightened me out and, in reality, showed me it wasn’t half as bad as I thought.”  Director, Rushden

“Good morning Claire, I just wanted to say thank you for the work you have done on the liquidation.   Super efficient and communicative which was greatly appreciated”. Director of a solvent company.

At PBC we recognise the human side of what financial difficulties often create and put that added service into the process to ensure clients are fully aware of the surrounding issues and what they actually mean to them in an easy-to-understand manner.

If you need any advice or assistance on any corporate restructuring or insolvency-related issue, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton), 01908 033150 (Milton Keynes), 01234 989150 (Bedford) or email to Alternatively, visit for further information.

PBC up and coming professionals willow lantern making event

A great time was had by all at Stanwick Lakes yesterday for the second event of our up and coming professionals group.

Willow lantern making was not as easy as it looked, but as you can see from the pictures, everyone did a great job and had a few giggles, followed by a lovely lunch.

Thanks to everyone who joined us, we will see you again in the Spring for our next event!

Hit by the collapse of ISG? We are here to help!

The collapse of ISG into Administration will have a significant effect of many in the supply chain with monies owed not being paid any time soon or potentially not at all. 

If the loss of income is likely to mean financial difficulties going forward it is imperative to take advice and try not to panic.

Whilst undoubtedly the Administrators of ISG have a strategy in mind, it is likely to be a few months before the anticipated financial outcome will become public knowledge. All we know so far is some 2,200 employees were made redundant, with 200 employees retained to assist the Administrators.

Below is guidance to supply chain members until the financial outcome of the matter becomes more visible.

  • If you are struggling to pay your suppliers, communicate with them early, explaining the position. This should also include HMRC. We would expect they will be under some form of guidance to help as best as possible in this particular matter. 
  • If you are asked to complete work for the Administrator, look to leverage your position in this scenario. Payment up front or even better payment of part of all your old debt to continue working. Understand your importance to the Administrator if this request is made. 
  • Retention of Title Clauses – For companies that have supplied goods, look at your retention of title clauses. This may enable you to recover your products.
  • Trade Credit Insurance – if you have this make a claim immediately.
  • Take advice from your accountant/solicitors or even an Insolvency Practitioner to see what options are available.

At PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency we advise companies daily and,  first and foremost, aways look at recovery options for those we advise – trying to prevent them entering a similar process to that of ISG.  Sometimes, this is unavoidable, but the sooner advice is sought the greater the opportunities are.

If you need any advice or assistance on any corporate recovery option or insolvency-related issue, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton), 01908 033150 (Milton Keynes), 01234 989150 (Bedford) or email to Alternatively, visit for further information.