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This year PBC were engaged to consider the restructuring of a large group of companies where the primary operations involve vehicle insurance, rescue, and repair.  Our advice has resulted in the sale, as a going concern, of the trading operations that includes safeguarding 75 jobs and protecting almost 40,000 insurance policies, that are currently in force.

PBC are dealing with the Administrations of the three principal trading subsidiaries and, whilst this has been a highly challenging assignment where the protection of almost 40,000 road users was the priority, it is indicative of the quality of the PBC Team that we successfully rescued the businesses. It is also a reflection of the recognition PBC holds when it comes to assignments of this scale.

Should you have a specific question then please send it to

If you require any advice or assistance on any insolvency-related issue, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency to discuss and advise on your situation on 01604 212150 (Northampton) or 01908 488653 (Milton Keynes) or email to