Solvent liquidations - an end to tax clearance
The most frequent appointments insolvency practitioners have had in recent times are as liquidator of solvent liquidations (“MVL”). Most MVL are where a company’s purpose has drawn to a close, having paid all known liabilities, and the balance of funds are distributed to the shareholders.
In the pre-MVL preparations the company accountant will normally obtain tax clearance. Perhaps an anomaly is the MVL liquidator has also needed to obtain tax clearance before concluding the MVL. This requirement has resulted in many MVL being held open for long periods of time.
However, with effect from 6 December 2023 the requirement for tax clearance in MVL has been abolished. In a statement within their guideline, HMRC made it clear:
“Insolvency legislation requires directors to make a sworn declaration of the company’s assets and liabilities, confirming liabilities plus costs and interest can be met in full in the next 12 months. Directors need to be satisfied that the company’s liabilities, including tax liabilities, are stated accurately in order to confidently make this sworn declaration. Liquidators, company financial advisors, directors and shareholders customarily work closely together in MVL cases to ensure the company’s affairs are wound up as efficiently as possible.”
It is clear HMRC shall rely heavily on the accuracy of the declaration of solvency and the penalties available should it prove to be a false declaration. Therefore, any directors considering entering their company into MVL must ensure all potential liabilities are identified and paid (or secured) beforehand.
If you require any advice or assistance on any insolvency or solvent -related issue, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton), 01908 488653 (Milton Keynes) or email to enquiries@pbcbusinessrecovery.co.uk. Alternatively, visit www.pbcbusinessrecovery.co.uk for further information.