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When dealing with formal corporate insolvency appointments, sometimes directors owe funds to the company which, as office holders, we are duty bound to try and recover for the benefit of the company’s creditors.

One recent case being dealt with by our Milton Keynes Office had this very issue, but the director had also provided personal guarantees to company trade creditors totalling circa £300K. One of these trade creditors had also commenced bankruptcy proceedings against the director.  We were appointed liquidator of the company and, following some investigation, explored the prospect of whether an informal ‘full and final settlement’ could be reached in order to avoid bankruptcy and maximise the return to the liquidation and guaranteed creditors. We discussed this with the director and suggested they contact a solicitor who was then able to put the offer to all creditors.

We are pleased to report that all creditors accepted the offer, the settlement funds were received within 7 days and, in avoiding bankruptcy proceedings the director can now move forward.

Should you or a client require any advice or assistance on any insolvency-related issue, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton) or 01908 488653 (Milton Keynes) or email to