A great night was had by all!

PBC welcomed a number of local professional firms to their ten pin bowling event last night. The evening was full of moans, groans and elation with plenty of strikes being had. Winners were Phipps Henson McAllister with a combined team score over 2 games of 1233, with Hawsons Chartered Accountants coming a close second. Thanks to all that attended, without all you guys it would not be such a great event.

PBC charity golf day 2024

A great day was had by all at the PBC charity golf day yesterday, raising £1756.50 for the Lighthouse Centre.

The weather gods gave us all the 4 seasons in one day with a touch of hailstones in the afternoon just to top things off but overall, the weather was glorious, and it didn’t stop the teams from playing some excellent golf.

A massive thanks to all those that attended and supported a worthy local charity. With your support we can help fund the charity to continue its work helping those people with palliative care.


Top scorer –Jonathan Newsham with 48 points
Highest scoring team –Bibbys
Charity Hole – Dermot Lally
Nearest the pin – Martin Chapman, Jon Newsham and Mark Cleaver

Thanks to Rushden Golf Club for being such great hosts.

We look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Euro 2024 –  enter our FREE sweepstake to win a prize!

Let’s have a bit of fun! Who would like to join our FREE sweepstake for Euro 2024?

The first 24 people to comment “yes” on this post will be entered into our free sweepstake to win a bottle of bubbly for the winner and a bottle of wine for the runner up.

The first match will be on 14th June and the final is on 14th July. (Come on England!)

Once all the spaces are taken we will send a further list with each participants team.

Good luck everyone!

PBC Charity Quiz Night

Flyer for PBC Quiz Night on 1st May 2024.

PBC are holding their annual charity quiz night on 1st May 2024 at Freemasons Hall, Northampton NN5 7UL.

Join us for the thrill of competition and helping us to support the Lighthouse Centre and the invaluable work they do for local people.

The entry cost is £20 a head including food, and you can enter a team of 4 – 6. Please contact lisaparker@pbcbusinessrecovery.co.uk for details and booking.

We look forward to seeing you there!