Record fines at British Home Stores.

Some may remember the demise of the BHS Group as shops around the country closed down, following the group entering into administration in April 2016.

Move on eight years and the court has imposed a record £110,230,000 compensation order against two of the former directors. Yes, £110 million!

The commentary surrounding the BHS court hearings   are far too long for this narrative.  However, it can be summed up by saying any director whose company is facing distress must act rationally, assess the impact of their decision making and avoid, “Wishful thinking” at the expense of the company creditors.

Some key messages that came out of the two decisions, included:

  • Directors of companies in financial distress have a “Modified duty” that is owed to the interests of the company creditors as a whole and not to shareholders.
  • This modified duty arises from the point when the company is “Bordering on insolvency or an insolvent liquidation is probable.”
  • The standard expected (of directors) depends on the size and sophistication of the company.
  • Taking professional advice does not necessarily absolve directors of their risk of personal liability.

In short, the court is saying any delay in taking positive action to protect the company creditors may expose directors to risk of (what they termed as) equitable compensation awards being made on a personal liability basis.

At PBC we have always encouraged directors to seek early advice.  We appreciate how difficult it can be making that call and attending a meeting with our experienced team.  However, time and again, business owners have expressed a relief after consulting with PBC and many of those fears built up inside  are eased.

If you need any advice or assistance on any corporate restructuring or insolvency-related issue, then please contact PBC Business Recovery & Insolvency on 01604 212150 (Northampton), 01908 033150 (Milton Keynes), 01234 989150 (Bedford) or email to Alternatively, visit for further information.